
Attack is mainly a tag of a skill that applies physical force.

All skills tagged with "attack" will calculate primary damage based on the weapon's "attack damage" or "attack and spell damage".

Skills tagged "attack" change the number of attacks per second of the skill based on "attack speed".

Attack Enhance  Runes by tag

It is a type of reinforcement skill, meaning a skill that strengthens oneself.

The "Attack Enhancement" skill increases attack-related stats for a certain period of time, and when the effect expires, the cooldown is processed and the cooldown is shared.

Usually, it means the form of attacking right in front of you.

One of six damage attributes along with Physical, Fire, Lightning, Poison, and Chaos.

"Frost" is included in the elemental attribute, and can cause status abnormalities: "chills" and "freeze".


A skill that uses a dagger.

One of six damage attributes along with physical, fire, cold, lightning, and chaos.

"Poison" is included in the elemental attribute, and can cause status abnormalities: "Poison" and "Blindness".

Weapon Range  Runes by tag

It refers to a skill that sets the range using the weapon's range.


This is a personal enhancement skill that can be activated/deactivated.

Physical  Runes by tag

One of six damage attributes along with Fire, Frost, Lightning, Poison, and Chaos.

It is mainly used as the main attribute of “attack” skills that involve physical power, but some “spell” skills can also use physical attributes.

When dealing "physical" damage, it can cause status abnormalities: "bleed" and "stun".

Repeat DoT

It is a continuous damage skill with no cooldown.

Projectile  Runes by tag

An independent element that moves a certain distance without any dependency on the caster.

Cannot penetrate projectiles

A skill that cannot add a number of penetrations to a projectile.

No projectile speed

A skill that cannot change the speed of a projectile.

Defense Enhance  Runes by tag

It is a type of reinforcement skill, meaning a skill that strengthens oneself.

The "Defense Enhancement" skill increases defense-related stats for a certain period of time, and when the effect expires, the cooldown is processed and the cooldown is shared.

Lightning  Runes by tag

One of six damage attributes along with physical, fire, cold, poison, and chaos.

"Lightning" is included in the elemental attribute, and can cause status abnormalities: "Electric Shock" and "Shackle".

It means a crossbow (summon) skill that uses projectiles.

Cannot Chain

It means a projectile skill that cannot be chained.

Friendly aura

Aura that affects allies.

It means movement skills.

"Move" refers to skills that change a character's position, such as teleport, roll, and leap attacks.

Hostile aura

An aura that affects enemies.

Spells are tags for skills that apply power through casting.

All skills tagged with "Spells" calculate primary damage based on the weapon's "Spell Damage" or "Attack and Spell Damage".

Skills tagged with "Spell" will have their casts per second changed based on their "Cast Speed".

Duration  Runes by tag

A skill that has a duration.

"Damage over time" is one of the types of damage, meaning that it deals damage every time interval for a certain amount of time through an intangible action.

"Damage over Time" cannot be blocked or dodged, but does not critically strike.

"Damage over time" can only inflict main damage.

A form of skill that repeatedly generates an effect while holding down the input.


It is one of six damage attributes along with physical, fire, cold, lightning, and poison.

"Chaos" is an independent damage type that doesn't belong to either physical or elemental.

"Strike damage" is a type of damage that deals instantaneous damage through direct physical force.

"Strike damage" has the concepts of hit, block, and critical strike.

"Strike damage" basically inflicts damage corresponding to the skill's main attribute, but additional elemental damage can inflict multiple attribute damage.

It means a skill that cycles through activation and deactivation whenever the skill is pressed.

Toggle skill amplifies the resource consumption of all skills when activated.

Can be linked to skills that summon totems

"Totem" has no offensive ability, but grants a debuff to an enemy or a buff to an ally.

Party aura

This is an aura-type skill that can be activated/deactivated.

Can be linked to skills that summon minions.

Minions are pets that follow the caster, such as "Abyss" and "Rune Knight".

Minion Enhancement

This is a keyword that is connected to the minion skill and strengthens the minion.

It means a skill that uses a shout.

"Cry" shouts a debuff to an enemy, or grants a buff to yourself.

One of six damage attributes along with Physical, Cold, Lightning, Poison, and Chaos.

"Fire" is included in the elemental attribute, and can cause status abnormalities: "Ignition", "Recovery Damage".

A skill that uses a bow.

Number of uses

Skill type with number of uses

Multiple shot

Key stats and concepts
Attack Damage +

This is a constant that is treated as "main attribute" damage for skills with the tag "attack", and is the basis of the damage.

Spell Damage +

This is a constant treated as "main attribute" damage for skills with the tag "spell", and this is the number that is the basis of the damage.

Attack and Spell Damage +

This is a constant where the tag is treated as "primary" damage for both "attack" and "spell" skills.

Main attribute

Skill runes that inflict damage have the concept of "main attribute".

By default, it deals "main property" damage, and you can also deal multiple property damage through stats such as "additional [attribute] damage when hitting".

Converts damage to main attribute by %

[Attributes other than primary attributes] Converts damage to primary attributes by %.

Damage conversion rate cannot exceed 100%.

When converting damage, the damage increase, amplification, and attenuation of that attribute in the damage calculation of that attribute are calculated along with the bonus of the main attribute.

Damage formula

Base Damage * (1 + Elemental Damage +% * 0.01) * (1 + Elemental Damage % Amplified * 0.01) * (1 - Elemental Damage % Reduced * 0.01)

Basic Damage Calculation Formula

(Main property damage + corresponding property damage) * Strike damage multiplier

Damage +%

Damage increase stats are stats that are calculated together.

Ex) Physical damage +20% and physical damage +20% are +40% physical damage.

The damage increase stat multiplies the base damage in the damage calculation.

Ex) Base damage 100, physical damage +40% -> 100 * 1.4 = 140

Damage % amplification

Damage amplification stats are multiplicative stats.

Ex) 20% physical damage amplification, 20% physical damage amplification is 44% physical damage amplification.

Damage amplification stats multiply base damage in damage calculations.

Ex) Base damage 100, physical damage 20% amplification, physical damage 20% amplification = 100 * 1.44 = 144

Damage reduced by %

Damage reduction stats are multiplied by each other, but their efficiency gradually decreases.

Ex) 20% physical damage reduction, 20% physical damage reduction is 36% physical damage reduction.

Damage Reduction stats multiply base damage in damage calculations.

Example) 100 base damage, 20% physical damage reduction, 20% physical damage reduction = 100 * 0.64 = 64


May bleed when dealing Physical Strike damage.

Bleeding deals physical damage over its duration.

Bleeding ignores enemy shields and armor.


Ignite can occur when dealing Fire Strike damage.

Ignite deals Fire damage over its duration.

Ignite ignores enemy shields and fire resistance.


May cause chills when dealing Frost Strike damage.

Chill reduces the enemy's attack, cast, and movement speed for the duration.

Electric shock

Lightning Strike damage can cause an electric shock.

Shock increases the damage taken by enemies for the duration.


Poisoning can occur when dealing poison strike damage.

Poison deals poison damage over its duration.

Poison can be stacked, and the damage increases as it stacks.


Physical Strike damage can cause a stun.

All actions are impossible while stunned.

Recovery damage

Healing damage can occur when dealing Fire Strike damage.

Healing damage reduces the target's healing effect for the duration.


Frost Strike damage can cause Freeze.

All actions are impossible while frozen.


Lightning Strike damage can cause shackles.

You cannot move while shackled.

Real name

Poison Strike damage can cause blindness.

While blinded, your vision is limited and your hit rating is reduced.