Warrior's Shadow
Min. rarity:
RareCan be linked with Skills that satisfy Attack, Shadow, Strike, Melee (must include all)Cannot be linked with Skills that satisfy Projectile, Channel, Chain AttackRune cannot be linked with Trigger Link Runes
Rune Level 1
Resource Cost Increase 50%
Warrior's Shadow EffectSummon 1 Warrior's Shadow(s) on skill use-60% Melee DMG
Rune Level 45
Resource Cost Increase 50%
Warrior's Shadow EffectSummon 1 Warrior's Shadow(s) on skill use+225% Melee DMG
Rune Grade
10% Melee DMG Amplification+15% DMG Penetration
15% Melee DMG Amplification+30% DMG Penetration
[7.5-15]% DMG Amplification+[20-30]% Area of Effect Origin
Gain Traces of the Warrior on hitGain Warrior's Shadow on 5 Traces of the Warrior stacksWarrior's Shadow [Origin] EffectSummon 1 Warrior's Shadows on skill use+[30-60]% Strike DMG Verity
Summon 1 Warrior's Shadow when HP is at 40% or lowerConsume all Barrier upon Attack[20-30]% DMG Dampening+[60-100]% Critical DMG at 40% or less HP