Min. rarity:
NormalHow to get:
DropShopTo buy in:
Act 4Act 6-10Act 11-12Can be linked with Skills that satisfy StrikeCannot be linked with PersistenceApplies to Minions when linked to Summon Skill
Rune Level 1
Resource Cost Increase 15%
+10% Critical DMG
Rune Level 45
Resource Cost Increase 15%
+83% Critical DMG
Rune Grade
+10% Strike DMG+10% Critical DMG
+15% Strike DMG+20% Critical DMG
+20% Strike DMG+30% Critical DMG
+[10-15]% Critical DMG+[35-50]% DMG against enemies affected by Status Effect Origin
[0.5-0.9]% Strike DMG Amplification per 1 Green Link Rune on linked Skill Rune Verity
-[5-3]% Resource CostGain 1 Prepare Slaughter stack upon killing an enemyGain 1 Prepare Slaughter stack upon hitting an Elite Monster (Cooldown: 1 s)Max Prepare Slaughter Stacks 20Prepare Slaughter Duration 5 sGain Commence Slaughter for 0.5 s upon reaching max Prepare Slaughter stacksDeals double maximized DMG for duration of Commence SlaughterCannot stack Prepare Slaughter during Commence Slaughter effect