Shout of Power
Min. rarity:
MagicHow to get:
SynthesisCan be linked with Skills that satisfy ShoutRune cannot be awakening
Rune Level 1
Resource Cost Increase 15%
+12% Shout Skill Rune DurationGain Uplift for 3 s upon using a SkillUplift effect(Attack Speed +10%, DMG upon Attack +50%)
Rune Level 45
Resource Cost Increase 15%
+45% Shout Skill Rune DurationGain Uplift for 3 s upon using a SkillUplift effect(Attack Speed +10%, DMG upon Attack +50%)
Rune Grade
+20% Shout Skill Rune Duration
+30% Shout Skill Rune Duration+15% Shout Skill Rune Effect