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Quick Slash

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Act 3Act 6-10Act 11-12


Weapon Range
Inflicts additional damage to nearby enemies upon hitting a single enemy
Rune Level 1
Mana Cost 3Triggers Immediately
Physical Element15% Base Speed AmplificationNo equipped weapon rangeChain Count 3Chain Range 400Physical DMG 250%Physical DMG +80+30% Armor Penetration+30% Element Penetration+50% Weapon Range1% DMG Amplification per remaining Chain+1% Chain Range per 10 Weapon Range
Rune Level 45
Mana Cost 12.5Triggers Immediately
Physical Element15% Base Speed AmplificationNo equipped weapon rangeChain Count 6Chain Range 400Physical DMG 693%Physical DMG +1137+30% Armor Penetration+30% Element Penetration+50% Weapon Range1% DMG Amplification per remaining Chain+1% Chain Range per 10 Weapon Range
Rune Grade
+1 Chain Count+10% Weapon RangeAmplifies DMG by 5% upon attacking
+2 Chain Count+20% Weapon RangeAmplifies DMG by 5% upon attacking+75% Strike DMG Multiplier
+4 Chain Count+30% Weapon RangeAmplifies DMG by 8% upon attacking+150% Strike DMG Multiplier
+[10-40]% Strike DMG3% DMG Amplification per remaining Chain
+2 Chain Count+40% Chain Range+[10-40]% DMG
Change to Blink tagAdd Move Attack, Chain Attack tagCannot ChainPhysical DMG 510%Physical DMG +777Skill Cooldown does not decrease below 1.5 sRemove DMG % Amplification per remaining ChainRemove Chain Range per Weapon Range +%Move Distance 800Change Legendary effect to the following effect +1 Chain Attack Count+30% Weapon RangeAmplifies DMG by 10% upon attacking+150% Strike DMG Multiplier +2 Chain Attack Count[10-15]% Attack Speed Amplification+23 Resource Cost25% Weapon Range DampeningEarth Energy +1 on kill(Increases Attack DMG by 20% per stack, decreases Spell DMG by 20% per stack)Remove all Earth Energy and gain [Unending Trial] effect for 2 s on hit at Max Earth Energy[Unending Trial]: +60% Forced Chain Attack Cooldown Recovery Speed