Quick Shout
Min. rarity:
MagicHow to get:
Unique DungeonCan be linked with Skills that satisfy Shout
Rune Level 1
Resource Cost Increase 15%
+25% Shout Skill Rune Cast Speed+10% Attack Speed during Shout Skill Effect+10% Cast Speed during Shout Skill Effect
Rune Level 45
Resource Cost Increase 15%
+91.7% Shout Skill Rune Cast Speed+24.7% Attack Speed during Shout Skill Effect+24.7% Cast Speed during Shout Skill Effect
Rune Grade
+15% Shout Skill Rune Cooldown Recovery Speed
+30% Shout Skill Rune Cooldown Recovery Speed
+[25-40]% Shout Skill Rune Cast Speed Origin
+15% Shout Skill Rune Cast Speed+[15-25]% Shout Skill Rune Cooldown Recovery Speed if linked Skill Rune has 4 or more Shout tag Link Runes Verity
+[5-10]% Shout Skill Rune Effect