Quick Sentry Installation
Min. rarity:
MagicHow to get:
Unique DungeonCan be linked with Skills that satisfy SentryCannot be linked with Skills that satisfy Totem, Toggle, Shout, Movement
Rune Level 1
Resource Cost Increase 15%
+20% Sentry Install Speed+6% Sentry Attack Speed
Rune Level 45
Resource Cost Increase 15%
+78.3% Sentry Install Speed+31% Sentry Attack Speed
Rune Grade
+10% Sentry Projectile Speed+5% Sentry Attack Speed
+20% Sentry Projectile Speed+20% Sentry Attack Speed
+[30-40]% Sentry Install Speed+[25-55]% Sentry DMG Origin
+[13-20]% Sentry Attack Speed Verity
-[10-5]% Resource Cost