Pierce Wound
Min. rarity:
NormalHow to get:
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Act 4Act 6-10Act 11-12Can be linked with Skills that satisfy ProjectileCannot be linked with Skills that satisfy Minion, Sentry, Cannot Pierce
Rune Level 1
Resource Cost Increase 15%
+15% DMG per Pierce per hit1% DMG Amplification per Pierce per hit20% chance to inflict Penetration on the enemy for 8 s on hitMax Stacks 82% Armor Dampening per stack
Rune Level 45
Resource Cost Increase 15%
+37% DMG per Pierce per hit5.5% DMG Amplification per Pierce per hit35.4% chance to inflict Penetration on the enemy for 8 s on hitMax Stacks 82% Armor Dampening per stack
Rune Grade
+20% Projectile DMG
+40% Projectile DMG+5% Armor Penetration
+70% Projectile DMG+15% Armor Penetration
+[50-70]% Pierce Wound Effect Origin
3% Projectile DMG Amplification+[20-30]% Pierce Wound Effect Verity
+1 Pierce Count+[30-45]% Pierce Wound Effect