Maximized DMG Increase
Min. rarity:
MagicHow to get:
SynthesisCan be linked with Skills that satisfy StrikeCannot be linked with Skills that satisfy Shout, Attack Enhance, Defense Enhance, Toggle, MovementApplies to Minions when linked to Summon Skill
Rune Level 1
Resource Cost Increase 20%
+10% Maximized DMG-100% Critical DMG2% Strike DMG Amplification
Rune Level 45
Resource Cost Increase 20%
+40% Maximized DMG-100% Critical DMG10% Strike DMG Amplification
Rune Grade
+10% Maximized DMG+15% Strike DMG
+20% Maximized DMG+30% Strike DMG
+[10-25]% Maximized DMG Origin
+[5-15]% Maximized DMG+[35-50]% DMG against enemies affected by Status Effect Verity
+[15-66]% Critical DMG