Min. rarity:
MagicHow to get:
SynthesisCan be linked with Skills that satisfy Attack EnhanceCannot be linked with Skills that satisfy Totem, Sentry, Toggle, Shout, Movement, MinionRune cannot be awakening
Rune Level 1
Resource Cost Increase 15%
+10% Knowledge EffectGain Knowledge for 10 s upon using Attack Enhance Skill(Spell DMG +50%, Cast Speed +10%)Cannot be linked to a common Buff Link Rune activated with Attack Enhance Skill
Rune Level 45
Resource Cost Increase 15%
+51.7% Knowledge EffectGain Knowledge for 10 s upon using Attack Enhance Skill(Spell DMG +50%, Cast Speed +10%)Cannot be linked to a common Buff Link Rune activated with Attack Enhance Skill
Rune Grade
+10% Knowledge Effect
+10% Attack Enhance Skill Rune Effect+20% Knowledge Effect