Increase Maximized DMG Chance
Min. rarity:
RareHow to get:
SynthesisCan be linked with Skills that satisfy Strike (must include all)Cannot be linked with Skills that satisfy Shout, Attack Enhance, Defense Enhance, Toggle, MovementApplies to Minions when linked to Summon Skill
Rune Level 1
Resource Cost Increase 20%
3% chance to deal double Maximized DMG on hit-50% Critical Chance
Rune Level 45
Resource Cost Increase 20%
10% chance to deal double Maximized DMG on hit-30% Critical Chance
Rune Grade
3% chance to deal double Maximized DMG on hit
+[10-25]% Maximized DMG Origin
[1-3]% chance to deal triple Maximized DMG on hit Verity
+[1-7]% Critical Chance