Heat Efficiency
Min. rarity:
NormalHow to get:
DropShopTo buy in:
Act 11-12Can be linked with Skills that satisfy Overheat
Rune Level 1
Resource Cost Increase 20%
+0.9% Attack Speed for every 5% Overheat6% Attack Speed Amplification at 40% or more Overheat
Rune Level 45
Resource Cost Increase 20%
+5.4% Attack Speed for every 5% Overheat19.5% Attack Speed Amplification at 40% or more Overheat
Rune Grade
+6% Attack Speed if Overheat is at 60% or more
+12% Attack Speed if Overheat is at 60% or more
+18% Attack Speed if Overheat is at 60% or more
+[14-21]% Attack Speed if Overheat is at 60% or more Origin
-[3.5-0.5]% Resource Cost10% chance to gain 1 Fire Energy on hit at 60% or more Overheat (Cooldown 6 s)Reset Cooldown on Rapid Cooling Verity
+[6-12]% Attack Speed if linked Skill Rune has 2 or more Overheat tag Link Runes