Gather Minions
Min. rarity:
NormalHow to get:
DropShopTo buy in:
Act 6-10Act 11-12Weapon:
All weaponsSummons all Minions to the caster's location
Rune Level 1
Mana Cost 25Cooldown 12 s
Summons a Minion near the caster and grants the following effectDuration 3 s+55% Minion DMG
Rune Level 45
Mana Cost 59Cooldown 12 s
Summons a Minion near the caster and grants the following effectDuration 3 s+275% Minion DMG
Rune Grade
+100% Gather Minions Duration+5% Gather Minions DMG
+100% Gather Minions Duration+10% Gather Minions DMG
+150% Gather Minions Duration+13% Gather Minions DMG
[5-10]% Cast Speed Amplification to Caster for 6 s upon using Gather Minions Origin
+[15-30]% Speed to Minions within 600 Range for 5 s upon using Gather Minions Verity
Grants the following effect to Minions within 600 Range for 5 s upon using Gather Minions[15-30]% Armor Amplification[15-30]% Element Resist Amplification