Expand Vision
Min. rarity:
NormalHow to get:
DropShopTo buy in:
Act 3Act 6-10Act 11-12Can be linked with Skills that satisfy Movement
Rune Level 1
Resource Cost Increase 15%
+40% DMG+20% Area of Effect+1 Skill Rune CooldownGain Expand Vision for 2 s upon using Movement SkillExpand Vision effect+17% Area of Effect+25 Weapon Range
Rune Level 45
Resource Cost Increase 15%
+136% DMG+39.5% Area of Effect+1 Skill Rune CooldownGain Expand Vision for 2 s upon using Movement SkillExpand Vision effect+41% Area of Effect+49 Weapon Range
Rune Grade
+25% Expand Vision Duration+5% Expand Vision effect
+30% Expand Vision Duration+10% Expand Vision effect
+35% Expand Vision Duration+15% Expand Vision effect+30% DMG
+[15-30]% Expand Vision effect Origin
-[15-5]% Expand Vision effect+[20-35]% Expand Vision Duration Verity
5% DMG Amplification[2-6]% Movement Speed Increase for 2 s upon using Skill (Max Stacks: 4)