Dark Judgment
Min. rarity:
NormalHow to get:
DropShopTo buy in:
Act 3Act 6-10Act 11-12Weapon:
All weaponsSummons Judgment at random to your surrounding and deals damage with your highest element Buff will reset on using any skills other than Judgment
Rune Level 1
Mana Cost 5Triggers Immediately
Highest Element DMGProjectile Count 5Explosion Range 140Highest Element DMG 124%Highest Element DMG +1510% DMG Dampening when hitting the same target repeatedlyGain Dark Judgment effect for 10 s on hitMax Dark Judgment Stacks 105% DMG Amplification per Dark Judgment stackReset stacks after 2 s upon reaching Max Dark Judgment stacksJudgment of Light stack -2 on hit with 5 or more Dark Judgment and Judgment of Light stacks-2 Resource Outburst stacks on hit at 4 or more Resource Outburst stacksDark Judgment buff removal on using any skills other than JudgmentInflict Stillness on target for 1 s on hitMax Stillness stacks 51.7% Element Resist Dampening per stackRemove Stillness effect on Judgment of Light hit-7% Elemental Particle Creation Chance of all skills with skill equipped(Applied to Zodiac Pirate node Elementalist Zodiac.)
Rune Level 45
Mana Cost 22Triggers Immediately
Highest Element DMGProjectile Count 5Explosion Range 140Highest Element DMG 607%Highest Element DMG +22810% DMG Dampening when hitting the same target repeatedlyGain Dark Judgment effect for 10 s on hitMax Dark Judgment Stacks 105% DMG Amplification per Dark Judgment stackReset stacks after 2 s upon reaching Max Dark Judgment stacksJudgment of Light stack -2 on hit with 5 or more Dark Judgment and Judgment of Light stacks-2 Resource Outburst stacks on hit at 4 or more Resource Outburst stacksDark Judgment buff removal on using any skills other than JudgmentInflict Stillness on target for 1 s on hitMax Stillness stacks 54.5% Element Resist Dampening per stackRemove Stillness effect on Judgment of Light hit-7% Elemental Particle Creation Chance of all skills with skill equipped(Applied to Zodiac Pirate node Elementalist Zodiac.)
Rune Grade
+60% Projectile DMG
+100% Projectile DMG+10% Area of Effect5% DMG Amplification
+130% Projectile DMG+20% Area of Effect15% DMG Amplification
Projectile Count +1+[20-50]% DMG Origin
-150 Projectile Creation Range+[10-30]% Area of Effect Verity
Dark Judgment effect cannot be removed upon different skill useChange to 5 Max Dark Judgment Stacks[5-15]% Resource Cost Dampening