Close Range Shot
Min. rarity:
NormalHow to get:
SynthesisCan be linked with Skills that satisfy ProjectileCan be linked with Skills that satisfy any one of Bow, SentryCannot be linked with Skills that satisfy Channel, Totem, MovementApplies to Minions when linked to Summon Skill
Rune Level 1
Resource Cost Increase 20%
+10% DMG upon every Projectile Hit against enemies at 400 distance or less100% chance to gain Close Range Shot for 8 s on hitClose Range Shot effect( 5% Projectile DMG Amplification per 100 distance decrease upon hitting an enemy at 600 distance or less (Max 20%) )
Rune Level 45
Resource Cost Increase 20%
+176.7% DMG upon every Projectile Hit against enemies at 400 distance or less100% chance to gain Close Range Shot for 8 s on hitClose Range Shot effect( 5% Projectile DMG Amplification per 100 distance decrease upon hitting an enemy at 600 distance or less (Max 20%) )
Rune Grade
+15% DMG upon every Projectile Hit against enemies at 400 distance or less+10% Close Range Shot Effect
+45% DMG upon every Projectile Hit against enemies at 400 distance or less+15% Close Range Shot Effect
+90% DMG upon every Projectile Hit against enemies at 400 distance or less+20% Close Range Shot Effect
+[55-80]% DMG upon every Projectile Hit against enemies at 400 distance or less Origin
Close Range Shot effect +[6-10]% Increase Verity
+[500-1000] Armor for 5 s on hitting enemies within 300 or less distance