Black Plague
Min. rarity:
WandScepterStaffMoves toward the control direction while channeling, forming an area of Black Plague around yourself. Inflicts additional DMG according to the number of Black Plague stacks. However, Great Plague is not caused when Channeling is canceled by Movement Skills or Crowd Control effects.
Rune Level 1
HP Cost 3Triggers Immediately
Poison Element1st DMGArea of Effect 350Poison DMG 160%Poison DMG +58+10% Venom Chance30% Trigger Skill DMG Dampening20% chance to inflict Black Plague effect to Target for 5sBlack Plague EffectPoison Resist decreases by -7 per stack.Remove all Black Plague stacks when channeling ends. Inflict Great Plague with DMG exponentially multiplied by the number of stacksGreat PlagueArea of Effect 75Poison DMG 160%Poison DMG +58
Rune Level 45
HP Cost 16.6Triggers Immediately
Poison Element1st DMGArea of Effect 350Poison DMG 462%Poison DMG +498+10% Venom Chance30% Trigger Skill DMG Dampening20% chance to inflict Black Plague effect to Target for 5sBlack Plague EffectPoison Resist decreases by -7 per stack.Remove all Black Plague stacks when channeling ends. Inflict Great Plague with DMG exponentially multiplied by the number of stacksGreat PlagueArea of Effect 75Poison DMG 693%Poison DMG +498
Rune Grade
35% Movement Speed Dampening+5% Black Plague Effect
30% Movement Speed Dampening+10% Black Plague Effect10% DMG Amplification against enemies affected by Venom
25% Movement Speed Dampening+15% Black Plague Effect15% DMG Amplification against enemies affected by Venom
Activate Great Plague Effect on Spell HitRemove all stacks of target with Great Plague Effect activated+[10-30]% Strike DMG[10-20]% Venom DMG Dampening Origin
Gain Concentrated Area DMG Link Rune Effect[15-25]% Area DMG Amplification30% Area of Effect Dampening+[5-15]% Black Plague Effect Verity
[10-20]% Venom DMG Amplification+[10-25]% Black Plague Effect